Wednesday, 8 June 2011

Notion of Love - Joy of Man's Desiring

Have you encountered a work of art that made you tremble with elation, with tears, that you felt such a strong vibration that you could jump on your feet, that made you wanna melt into the air, into every inch of that artwork, that made your body convulse with emotions??? I dearly wanna hold onto this emotion; everytime I encounter a movie or a book that strikes such a deep chord within me, I wanna hold onto it, grab it with tension, kiss it, smell it, feel it with all my senses and keep it under my hidden secret box inside my drawer... Not that I have such a drawer or sth, it's just an irresisitible repulsion, an impulse to do something to treasure that moment forever, you know what I mean. I know what this feeling is: it's the feeling of loving somebody and being loved... My heart stopped when Ave Maria was played during the Wrong Time Travellers movie... It's this very moment that ARRRRGGGGHHHHH!!! Bingo!!!! that you feel that sth has finally captured your heart. Yeah it is! Let me dive into this pool of love forever, let it melt my entire body and soul, into eternity.

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